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I created a new String quartet from the setup wizard and entered a few bars of music.   But in playback the scrolling is way out of sync with the actual audio; in fact the scrolling bar will not kick in until after the audio is done.  My sampling rate in Windows is set to standard 16-bit, 44.1khz.  I have tried playback in ASIO and Direct Sounds mode and neither affect this issue.   What else can I try?

Using Finale v26.3.2.520 on Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)



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Ryan -

same issue with my very recent download of v.26 after years of contentment with v. 25.  Scrolling line lags 3 & 1/2 measures behind actual music.  Have you had any enlightenment from Finale or elsewhere since then?

And, of course, wil let you know if I come across a solution.


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No not really - unfortunately.  Not sure what to make of it and and haven't found much help.  Let's hope they fix it in the next patch.

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I thought I was the only one having this problem. It started before my upgrade to a high-powered system. It's almost as though the playback and the scrolling are two different applications and the scrolling app (which also controls the playback counter) breaks down frequently and cannot keep up because there's too much going on with the audio playback part, like processing samples and making sure the hardware isn't overloaded. There's a coding error here someplace and a serious lag that develops between the counter, which sometimes runs negative beats (explain that one) or slows down/speeds up to match the tempo in the playback controls.

I have a custom-built windows desktop with an AMD Ryzen 9 (liquid-cooled) running 12 cores at 3.8GHz on a high-powered MSI gaming level motherboard (it's super fast), with a 1 TB SSD with a 4 TB storage/backup HD, an Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060, and a Sound BlasterX AE-5 Plus (because I couldn't find an AE-7 or AE-9 anywhere!) I know it isn't the computer. I had to get rid of ASIO4ALL because it locks the sound device to itself, preventing teaching by Zoom while Finale is open, so I use FlexASIO instead and set the sound quality to its maximum of 8192.

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I'm having the same issue, just thought I ought to chime in too. Glad I'm not the only one, and that it's a software issue, not a me issue hahaha

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Same here!  A simple Google search indicates this issue has occurred since Finale 2012.

Come on - MakeMusic - fix this issue!!!!

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Hi, I tried to print music from an instrument, but the score window is blank, and in copying - I get the printing of the whole page instead.  Can anyone help -how I can get the score showing window of the finale program to work- since it is impossible to get in touch with Finale Technical Support?   

Thank you, 



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Just updated to and am having this same issue.  It was working fine before the upgrade.

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Hello everyone! :D 


I came here hoping to find an answer to this same problem as it started happening once I started to adjust the layout of my composition. I don't know if this will be the solution to everyone's problem but this is what worked for me. All I did was go over to the "MIDI/Audio" tab and clicked on:


1. "Device Setup"

2.  "MIDI Setup"

3. Click on SoftSynth Settings

4. Here I changed the "Output Source" from Default Output to (whatever current speaker or headset you are using)



It seems to do the trick but after closing and reopening the file I noticed it reverts back to that "glitch" so you have to do this every time to the file you're having problems with. Hopefully they fix this problem soon in an upcoming update. 


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Hi all.

I'm using Finale version 27, and playback scrolling was working well until yesterday. When starting the tune with either Spacebar and Click or Play button, it started scrolling a few measures after the audio began.

I stumbled upon this solution - simply went to Playback Settings and turned Scrolling playback OFF (unchecked), clicked OK, then went into Playback settings again and turned Scrolling playback ON (checked). It started working properly again.

I hope that helps someone.


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