I believe that finale needs an update of new shapes to its arsenal. There is a lot of sfx effects shapes that are used in a lot of film scoring and modern scoring that finale lacks. I was wondering if there is plans on adding more shapes.
As for the first four, you would need a simple filled polygon, made in the shape designer. After it's placed in the score, you can mirror it vertically and/or horizontally and stretch them as you like to get all four variations.
No 5 requires a new (now symmetrical) polygon, but No. 6 can be done by mirroring it.
As for the last three, those should be possible with the JWLua-Plugin "Shapes : wavy lines and loops (MAJ 06/07/2016 - Version 2.0)" in the French Finale forum, see http://finale-logiciel-aide-gravure-musicale.eu/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4897#p25191
Yes, probably these should be shipped with Finale, but Finale's strength is that nearly everything can be created or adjusted to the user's needs, not that it has all needs fullfilled out of the box.
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