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Does xml import work in Finale 27? I get this.


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Thanks for reporting back.


I ran into a similar issue way back where specifying the path for a Default did not work but following it and creating a folder did. I'd forgotten all about that till now—most un-Mac behavior. It was Finale 25 so SMuFL fonts were not the issue but the solution was the same.


Finale is not alone in odd behavior. Just yesterday, I was trying to find my old MS Office templates and use them again. After reading convoluted instructions on Microsoft Support pages, I figured out an easy way of doing it but it took a bit of head scratching to do so (find the old template in Application Support, double-click to open in the current version of Office, then re-save as a Template). 

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XML from what program?

Imported into which style document (legacy or SMuFL)?

Which OS?

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BTW, 26.3 still impots correctly.

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I dunno. I took a piece that a friend sent me, that was created in 2014, and opened it in 26. I then exported it as all three options: Compressed Music XML, Music XML, and XML. All three imported correctly in F27.


Can you post the doc, even if just one page, on DropBox, and post the link?

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Be aware that if when you import musicXML, Finale will use your default document.
In 27, the default is the new SMuFL Finale Maestro document.
(you can control this in preferences/new)

That said, this should work since musicXML import understands the SMuFL codepoint required changes.

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"In 27, the default is the new SMuFL Finale Maestro document."

So you are saying I have to change the default font back to Maestro each time I want to import an XML that wasn't created in 27?

"That said, this should work since musicXML import understands the SMuFL codepoint required changes."


I changed the font to Maestro. It does work I just tried it on several XML files.  But this is silly. The main most reason to buy or upgrade to 27 is the smufl fonts. The upgraded instrument list is certainly not worth the $150 bucks to upgrade. Now it seems whatever great things smufl brings to the party, the rest is going to be a pain in the, ah,... neck! There are far more no-smufl XMLs out there than not.

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As I said, Finale will import into whatever you have set in Preferences/New as your default document. (SMuFL is the shipping setting for that file)

What you are describing seems like it might be a problem with the source musicXML files you are trying to import.

You might test this by

1. File/Open Worksheets & Repertoire 
2. open one of the simple Keyboard pieces (these are still using Maestro)
3. Make sure your MusicXML export options are set to use version 4.0
3. export as musicXML
4. import the resulting mxml
Check the default music font you get after import

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OK that worked as it should. However, I have many more XMLs that don't seem to be so friendly.  These were all made by a Finale product as far as I know.  Perhaps they aren't Maesotro font?

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If you can share one of the problem files (via link to dropbox perhaps)
I'd be glad to take a quick look for clues.

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I cannot count how many times forum users claim that Finale employees do not frequent these forums. Greg IS one of the techs on the Finale team, Ernest, and you would do not only yourself but everyone else a great favor for future versions of the software  if you would send Greg a sample of the file(s) that gave you difficulty.

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I doubt your patron would object to an excerpt of a few measures that demonstrate the problem.

You seem to expect everyone else to help you out with as little info from you dribbled out as slowly as possible. Not a recipe for success unless your goal is simply to complain.

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>The XMLs are not mine…<


Ok, that's not our issue but you've never told us what App generates them nor what version of MusicXML they are. Not knowing these leads to the endless guessing game that you're putting us through. 


MusicXML is a toolkit and how it is implemented depends on the app developer. Some apps such as Notion and Sibelius are better than others including MuseScore, Overture, Dorico & Encore. Having current licenses for all except Sibelius, I test this with each new version (one of my clients is a Sibelius user and each project begins with an .xml file exported from that app). With MusicXML 4, as far as I know, only Finale 27 has incorporated it. 27 still imports/exports v. 1, 2, 3 & 3.1 well.

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Hi Greg,

I tried to set a Legacy file as the default file in Preferences>New, but when I tried to import a MusicXML file I got an error message to the effect that my default file was not found, no matter where it resides. The XML file (from Sibelius) imports fine into the SMUFL default, but I need to be able to copy it to my non-SMUFL orchestra template.


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Mike, thanks for the comment. I finally worked it out.

The problem with me creating an MusicXML import with a NON-SMUFL default was getting Finale to recognize my chosen default. Apparently, the ONLY PLACE the default file can reside is the path set in "Folders" in Preferences, and I have to type the entire name of the file including the extension but without the rest of the path for it to be recognized. 

I was able to drag and drop the file onto the Preferences window and have the whole convoluted path appear in the little box, but Finale puked on it. No path, just the filename, was what was needed. I have no idea why Finale even permitted me to drop the file on the box if it was just going to give me an error message later, but there you go. I hope my woes can help others.

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Thanx for the offer but as long as I can get it to work, I am good.

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The XMLs are not mine so I am uncomfortable sending them with out at least telling the person, or asking for permission, that gave it to me for work. The general assumption is that there is something off on these particular XLMs and it is not a general problem. And, now that I have had 27 running for several days, couple weeks, now I have not seen it on any other XML. In fact I believe I can safely delete 26.3.


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I simply imported the same way as I did in 26.3.  I have no new smufl font xml and I imagine most other folks don't either. Not many anyway.

Same Win 10 as 26.3 had. Obviously there is something I am missing?

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Greg Angel got me going and there is an end to it. Fellows if you are unable to, or it makes you unhappy to don't answer. I appreciate all the effort, I really do but I have a solution.

Just for info sakes I do not know what app they used and I am not inclined to ask since I see no gain.

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