When working on an orchestral score in Finale and using Playback to hear a phrase I want to review, Playback always ensures that the topmost staff is visible. However, this is frustrating when I've just written a phrase for, say, strings, when those staves are located at the bottom of the score. Thus, they're never visible on playback unless I'm willing to zoom out my 4K monitor prior to starting Playback such that the entire score is visible -- but this renders the notes frustratingly tiny.
Under Playback Settings, there are currently very useful Playback Region settings, but these are exclusively for the "horizontal" aspect of the score, that is, which measure to start at.
This request is asking for an additional Playback Region setting that deals with the "vertical" aspect of the score, that is, to have the option of viewing the currently displayed staves when starting Playback.
One way to do this would be to add two radio buttons: "Show topmost stave" [and keep it as the default behavior] and "Maintain current view" [the requested feature].
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