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I'm a Windows 10, Finale 27 user. I would like to see the ability to set a Zoom default.

Finale allows you to set Custom zooms, and you can use a Ctrl key shortcut. But I'd like to be able to set a default for the document to save steps. Also, if you select the View palette, your custom zooms do not show up. Only default zooms of 50%, 75%, 100%, 200%, 400%. I work a lot at 65%, so the View palette doesn't doesn't help me much. 


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I like 150% as the starting zoom on my 4k monitor. It makes sense that somewhere in preferences or documents we could set the default zoom for the document.

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I would then redefine the CTRL+3 Zoom level from 75% to 65%.

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Thanks, and I do use CTRL, but still an unnecessary step.

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What I would like to see is an easy Fit Height command so that all staves of my score fit the Finale window in SCROLL view. I have defined Command 3 as a percentage that approximates that for a given score, but there ought to be a simple command that makes whatever number of staves you have fit the window without having to choose a zoom percentage for every score.

Being able to set the Fit Height view as a default might solve Allan's issue as well. 

Mac OS 12.1

Finale 26 

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Nice idea. I've done a lot of quartet or quintet stuff lately, and a Fit Height would be efficient. For orchestral stuff, I'm wondering if a larger display would make a difference? I know that with spreadsheets, you see more columns and rows. Also, I think that when you open an existing Excel spreadsheet, it comes up exactly at the zoom level you saved it. If Finale could save the zoom level as part of the file, that would be very helpful. I don't know what Finale does with the extra real estate of a large display. Just magnify, or show more document? I've always used a notebook computer, so maybe other folks know the answer?

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Thanks for the info. 

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… I like 150% as the starting zoom on my 4k monitor. It makes sense that somewhere in preferences or documents we could set the default zoom for the document …


Michael Williams,


Allan Halbert is requesting a document specific zoom - so that different documents can have different {default zoom percentage} - e. g. one default zoom for a document with a (big) orchestra, and another default zoom for a document with a quartet.


Your request is a different request.

You are requesting a program specific zoom - so that all new document windows by default are opened in a 150% zoom.


This is already possible.


Preferences - New

you can set a default zoom percentage for all new document windows.

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Yes, I use that. The program zoom is helpful if you mostly write for the same ensemble. Eliminating a step every time you open a composition for a different ensemble, is a good thing. 

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Fritz Hansen (me) was requesting a fit-to-window command, which in scroll view would be Fit Height. Any chance of that happening? Many apps have some form of that, at least for Mac, often command-0 (zero). That way, with a single command — and, importantly, a Keyboard shortcut— a score or part would expand or contract to show a full page or full vertical extent of any score, large or small, in whatever size Finale window is active. I would still love to have that. Thanks

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I agree.

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It is unfortunate that Finale’s zoom command {Fit in Window} does not work in Scroll View (as you know, it does work in Page View).

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