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Operating system 11.4 Big Sur

Finale  26

You have a choral section with piano section that covers a whole measure stack. I want to delete the empty measures in the choral section WITHOUT DELETING THE PIANO SECTION (is that clear enough?) In the old days all i had to do was select the measures i wanted to delete, option/shift, and then press the delete key.


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Richard, I am confused by what you want. Do you mean "delete" the choral measures or merely erase the contents so you can enter new material there, or do you mean to hide the choral contents as Peter mentioned. An image of what you are after could help clarify the situation.

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That is not how Finale works, sorry.


You can hide the choral section’s empty staves, but you can not delete the measures without also deleting the measures in the piano section.


Staff Tool.

Staff menu > Hide Empty Staves


By The Way:

The hidden staves will remain visible in Scroll View (= the measures are not deleted).

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Your best course of action is to insert some blank measures. Do the necessary edits and delete the incorrect one(s) afterwards.

You can use the cut and paste ability in Finale to do this.

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