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I would like the handbell articulations to be available as a library to load at will. I know they're in the Church>Handbell template, & I know they're available via the Wizard under General>Handbells, but I'd like to be able to add them to scores that were not created in those ways. For example, I have a lot of old .mus files that I am converting to .musx and some of them don't have the handbell articulations included. It would be great if they could be loaded into those scores.



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That feature is already available.

Just save a custom library of the handbell articulations.


Here is how to do it:

Make a duplicate copy of the template containing the handbell articulations.

In the duplicate document, enter a single note.

Articulation Tool.

Click on the single note. The Articulation Selection appears.

In the Articulation Selection, delete all articulations except the handbell articulations.

Then, return to the score, and go to

File menu > Save Library…

Save a library of the document’s articulations.

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"That feature is already available." 

If one has to go through a process to create the library oneself, then the feature is not already available. I am asking for the handbell articulation library to be an already-created library that can be loaded into any document.

Also, that brings to mind another question: if I were to create a custom library & use it in a document, would the articulations appear correctly when that document is shared with another user that does NOT have that custom library loaded? 

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If one has to go through a process to create the library oneself, then the feature is not already available. 

<snark> Oh, please. </snark>


Peter just told you how to quickly and easily create and use that library. Believe me, that will be much faster than expecting Finale to do it for you. I am opposed to any and all suggestions that will add more “features” (that already exist) until decades-old bugs are fixed.

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Save the snark, Mike. It's not an outrageous request & Peter's process still leaves an open question about file-sharing compatibility. (Do you know the answer? If you do, why not share it instead of being snarky?)

I agree that decades-old bugs need to be squashed. That doesn't mean we can't ask for useful features. Just because you don't use it doesn't mean it's not useful.

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… if I were to create a custom library & use it in a document, would the articulations appear correctly when that document is shared with another user that does NOT have that custom library loaded? …


This is a misunderstanding.

When you load a library (of, say, handbell articulations), then you load the library contents (= the handbell articulations) into the Finale document (not into the Finale program).

When you save that document, the handbell articulations are saved inside the document.

When you share that saved document with another user, the handbell articulations appear correctly for the other user.


And this is generally the case.

Load a library (text expressions, chord symbol suffixes & fretboards, articulations, text repeats &c.) into a document, and you load the library contents into the document.

When you afterwards save the document, you save the library contents inside the document.


The only exception is Percussion MIDI Maps.

Percussion MIDI Maps are not saved inside the Finale documents, but rather in a special file (in a special folder).

From that special folder the Percussion MIDI Maps are available to all your Finale documents.

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Thank you, Peter. That makes sense.

(And, also: big old "duh" to me -- I should have inferred that from the whole "using the template or using General>Handbells includes the articulations" thing. *facepalm*)

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Who said I didn’t use the handbell articulations?


But if you look at my other posts, you would see that I oppose most “improvements” rather than fixes, even when the improvements might actually apply to me. 

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Mike -- it was meant more generally than "just because you, Mike Rosen, don't use the handbells articulations in particular...".

(Just out of curiosity, no snark: Are you the "Bear Hunt" Mike Rosen? Have you arranged that for handbells? I bet it would be fun for a young school group!)

Personally, I like improvements. I've been using Finale off-and-on since the early 90s (I am by no means claiming to be any sort of expert, just a long time sporadic user) & I truly appreciate the improvements that have been made since then. 



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