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What is your preferred way to extract parts?

Do you use File/Extract Parts... and edit them, or do you edit them from Document/Edit Parts...
There appear to be other methods, as well.

What are your preferences and why?
Thank you,


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FWIW,  the work I do for a US publisher requires extracted parts, and regardless of what Ernest says, options are nice to have.

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It is seldom necessary to extract parts.

Finale has had linked parts since Finale 2007.

You can print linked parts directly, or export them as PDF directly, without extracting parts.


The advantages of linked parts over extracted parts:

1) Correct a note (say, change an F to an F♯) in the score, and the correction is automatically also done in the part.

2) Score and parts are in the same Finale document => you spend less time opening and closing documents.


On The Other Hand, sometimes you need more score/part independence than linked parts can offer.


A. Use two copies of the Finale document: one copy for the score, and another copy for the parts.

B. Extract parts so that each part is a separate Finale document.

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Thank you, Peter,

I certainly can see the advantage of the linked parts.

Nice to have the other option, too.


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"Nice to have the other option, too."


I will have to disagree with that statement. I have not used extract parts ever since linked parts came on the scene. I suppose there is some rare instance (B. Extract parts so that each part is a separate Finale document.) where it might be the better option but personally, I can't see it.

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Thank you, both.

I can learn from different perspectives.

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Vanessa it is always great to have different ways of doings things Finale is king at being able to accomplish many and any of the things that can ever been needed in music notation. No other music notation software can do all that Finale does. Some may do certain tasks easier but not any do it better or something Finale can't do.

Why anyone would be compelled to make a statement like this is beyond me but a lot of things are. "... regardless of what Ernest says, options are nice to have." I don't  believe I have ever said you should not use something or not use extract parts. I merely made the statement I don't use it for my situation. Extract parts is not an advantage in my world. If it is in yours, more power to you. It diffidently has disadvantages to linked parts.

I suppose there is some rare instance (B. Extract parts so that each part is a separate Finale document.) where it might be the better option but personally, I can't see it.

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In previous threads you have mentioned using Perfect Layout.

I visited their website, but am unclear on all that it can do, especially if it can unify parts layouts.

What can you tell me about it, and how you use it?

Thank you,

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As a score finisher ir is perfect!  As a parts finisher it is almost perfect. Actually it is the best plug-in that has ever been created if you need it. When you compose music in Finale just let Finale put things wherever it wants. After you are all dome or even when you are close run PL. You will get this. No collisions, spaced correctly and grouped to industry standards.

... another page sample, page 3.


This is with no effort or input from me. I would suggest you send Jan Angermüller at a score and let him run PL on it. He will return it for you to see if it is something you want or works for you. I run it on everything anymore even small brass quintet scores. You can run PL and than go back and do more edits and run it again as much as is necessary if need be. It is another tool in the arsenal. It is something and does what MM should make Finale do form the box.                                                                                                                                        But they don't!................


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BTW, unlike the TG Tools Align plug-in, PL works on the percussion line. TG Tools does not.


Nessa, since we are close friends it is, Ernie. 

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Hi Ernie,

Very clean and impressive layout and spacing, indeed. Also, nice arrangement.

Based just on what you have shown, I am pretty much sold. After having done everything--including the parts--by hand, one develops some idiosyncrasies and preferences. Perfect Layout looks like it would address mine acceptably.

Curious, did you use NotePerformer3? Perhaps a combination of different sound libraries?


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That file was NP3 as is, no enhancements. It is also PL with almost the default settings. There was some confusion with triplets that NP3 applied so I turned it off.  I am told that PL has been updated to not mistake any triplets in the new release scheduled to come out soon. Two, things to keep in mind after running PL you can still make any tweaks you like.  You can even run it again if need be. Second, it does a good beginning job on parts but I still have to do some tweaks on linked parts. More than I ever have to do to the score. But it gets you to a nice starting point quickly. 


I would urge you to send a file of your own to Perfect Layout and have Jan send you back the result.  You can then decide if it is for you. PL has a considerable amount of control.There are settings you can change to better serve your needs and goal. Right out of the box with all its default settings it does an admirable job but you can change almost everything if you want to.

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Addendum: NP3

Making a sound file with NP3, I do separate the percussion staffs. Each instrument gets its own staff. If you don't you lose control over individual instruments. 

BTW, I never use NP3 while I am writing or composing because it is slow to start and lags after you stop. Not a biggie but annoying. 

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I am realized surprised how clearly and solid the NP3 instruments sound. I had done a trial download of NP3 but had some conflicts with something--can't remember right now. After hearing your except, my mind has changed.

I'll look into PL. I notice there is an extensive list of "Known Issues," so sending a file to Jan sounds like a good idea. I use triplets and 4-against-3, and 5-to-1, etc., so it will be good to know how PL handles them.

As it is, my biggest concerns are phrasing lines causing too much clutter and crowding; that and parts.


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Absolutely send in a test file to PL. When I screw up, Jan Angermüller, who must have the patience of a saint, always fixes it. PL has quite a few settings that you can change. There is also quite a bit of control over the triplets. There was a small bug in triplet setting that has been corrected. If you simply use the default settings in PL you get outstanding results.  You can always tweak after or re-run PL as needed.


Just think how good PL and NP3 could work if they were incorporated in Finale by Make Music! If MM only got on board with this they could have the best notation software on the planet without exception.

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Thanks, Ernie

I'll look into it.

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So, I have a large score with multiple parts.

I wish to "extract" a single part -- say Trumpet I.

I know that there is a difference between "extracting" and "managing" parts, but all I want right now is to have a separate document with just the Trumpet I part.
When I go to "Manage Parts..." or "Edit Parts..." I can see an individual part (say the Trumpet I) and I can print it, but how can I save it as a separate Finale document?

Thank you all, in advance, for this revisit.|

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File menu>Extract parts

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Thanks, Ernie and Adrian,

So, as I understand it, were I to use the "linked" parts the options are print individual linked parts directly, or export them as PDF directly.

The reason I was hoping to save just a single part as a separate Finale file is be able to send it to Perfect Layout's "demo" so see how they will handle both the parts and the score.


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PL works on linked parts. It isn’t real good at it yet but I suspect Jan is working on it. It does give you a head start.
There is very little need for Extract Parts any longer.

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Thanks, Ernie

So, all I have to do is send PL the score for the demo and they will return an updated score and parts?

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Yes by all means send Jan Anglemuller a sample score. I argued with him for a long time before I sent in a score. He is a very patient person for sure. Now I can not imagine, and would not, be without Perfect Layout.

PL for linked parts is not totally "perfect", ... yet. It is amazing how it handles your full score though. I run it on everything now. Even on quintets and quartets, not to mention full concert band scores.

Recent score I did for the Korean Special Olympics after run through Perfect Layout.  Keep in mind no special effort is made to move or alter where Finale puts things. Just let it do what it will and run PL after you are done.


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Thank you, again, Ernie

I'll send off a score and let you know.


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I would love to hear you feelings and see your score so please do.

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Hi Ernie,

I will let you know.

Thank you,

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Hi Ernie,

Well, Jan is one fantastic individual!

I have downloaded PL and look forward to using it.

As you had mentioned before, the "parts" did not fare as well as the score, but Jan wrote that ver. 3.x takes care of that. Still in beta, I have access to it and look forward to it, as well.

Thank you for your encouragement to use PL !!
I will keep you informed, if you wish, once I learn and become comfortable with it.

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Sounds good. Hope it works as well for you as it has for me.

Now if we could just get MM to realize it does what they have not been able to accomplish since Finale was, all would be right with the world.

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