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I attempted to create a new shape item in the expressions tool: a dotted-broken bracket, used to encase measure passages.

Creating the dotted bracket expression tool was fine. The problem arose with how it appears; in exported PDF.

Also, as a secondary side issue of somewhat lesser importance, the dotted brackets sometimes disappear from view in the software program. In these instances, only do they visually reappear when I'm in expressions tool and I click on them. It would be nice to make it so that they are visible at all times.


Here is a screenshot of what it looks like in the program:


And, a screenshot of what it looks like in exported PDF:


Also, here are the actual .musx and .pdf files for reference, if needed: (File download will expire after 30 days, starting May 3, 2022.)


Thanks greatly for any help I may receive.

All have a wonderful day!


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Welcome to the forum!


You are using Windows Finale - right?


There are several ways to export PDF from a Finale document.

Which way are you using?


Some users have reported problems when exporting PDF via the Graphics Tool.


Other users have reported success when exporting PDF with CutePDF.

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Hello, Peter Thomsen. And, thank you for your welcome.

Indeed, I am using Windows Finale; version 27, the most recent release.

I'm exporting via File==>Export==>PDF...


edit: Huh...funny...

So, I learned about graphics tool export from you. (Peter Thomsen).

When I tried this method, the brackets turned out quite right....

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Then I suggest that you try the third party utility CutePDF.

Could not hurt.

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I suppose I'll have a look at it later.

For now, I found myself my solution; as mentioned in my edit, which I was performing while you already posted. =)

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