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We have Finale 27 installed on our new Mac Lab computers.  Whereas we could in the previous (PC) version export to PDF from the File menu, we now have to go through several additional steps, which are not particularly intuitive.  Is it possible to restore the Export to PDF feature?



Cathy DeRousse

Director of Bennett Technology Lab

School of Communication and Performing Arts

East Texas Baptist University


Date Votes

I think there isn't way to do that, as you want. But you can to learn the shortcuts. 

I use Alt+F, T, P (Alt+F→File and then navigate: T→Export, P→PDF).

Also you can creat your own shortcut with the Plug-in:  Plug-ins >TG Tools > Menu Shortcuts.

I hope I've helped.


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Cathy, please remove your email and phone numbers, so they don't get picked up by spambots!


Be aware that some users have reported problems when using Finale's PDF export. This can be avoided by using Graphics Tool > Graphics menu > Export Pages... > and selecting Type: PDF and Pages: All.

I've set up my shortcuts in the Mac System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts, so CTRL-G opens the Graphics tool, and CTRL-CMD-G exports the pages. Two clicks.














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Thanks for your post. The PDF function on Macs does work differently than it does on Windows PCs. This is because of differences in how the operating systems are designed. On Mac, the PDF creation function is part of the Print functionality of the OS. So, this is why the PDF options are accessed in the Print dialog box. This not true for Windows, so this feature is part of the Export function in the File menu. 


I hope this helps clarify the situation.

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