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Hi. I've been scoring a lot recently and it occur to sometimes that it would be neat with a feature that let's you only copy and paste a certain layer. And also pasting that layer without removing other layers in the measure you're pasting it. A lot of the times I only want to copy and paste a certain layer, but there isn't a feature for  that so I have to do workarounds. But would be nice to have that kind of feature. 


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Perhaps I am misunderstanding.


Document menu > Show Active Layer Only

“Show Active Layer Only” also means “Edit Active Layer Only”.

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Hmm cool. Didn't know about it. 
I still think it would be a nice if this was like an option when you copy, so you could select "copy only a certain layer" and also when you paste have the option that the layer gets integrated with the other layers rather than purely writing over the measure. 

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That's what Peter described. One should not expect Finale to rewrite the program in one's own image.

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What he means is this:  if you are using "Show Active Layer Only", you CAN copy and paste just that layer into other measures.  Everything you cut and paste will stay in the same layer, and if the other 3 layers are hidden, their content will not be changed by your paste operation.

That said, it would indeed be nice to have 4 little "layer" checkboxes on the Edit Filter when you choose what you want to cut and paste.  

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