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I am working on a piece with two staves per system (grouped) and the barlines going through both staves. Unfortunately, when I split a measure across two systems (for layout reasons) I cannot work out how to have the measure split with an invisible barline at the end of the system.

With only one staff per system, or with ungrouped systems, this problem does not occur.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated !


Finale 26, Windows



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Unfortunately I am unable to reproduce your problem.

I do not experience any difficulties in getting an invisible barline, not even in a staff group in a two-staff system.


* Can you provide exact steps to reproduce the problem?

* Is the problem document specific - or does it happen in all documents?


My own steps:

Selection Tool.

In the measure to be split, make a partial measure selection, selecting only the last part of the measure (= the part to go down into the next system) - to tell Finale, where to split the measure.

Plug-ins menu > Measures > Split Measure…

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Thank you Peter. After reading your reply I checked in other documents and, effectively, did not have the same problem. My error was that I had checked the "Alternative Barline" box for the group and chosen "normal barlines". Once I unchecked this box I am now able to get all the variety of barlines.

Once again, thank you for the good advice !

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