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What is the name of this program again? When I google IIRC, I don't get a program. Thanks. You must remember, you are communicating with novice. (~: What does IIRC stand for? What does IIRC mean...
Thanks to all who assisted me with this problem.
Thanks. I made those changes; it sounds a little better, but it is not a true slide glissando.
Just for the record, I changed the 1/2 tone bend range and it made no different. I tried 12 and 6. Here is the screen shot that you requested. Thanks.
And how do I do that? Please provide step by step instructions on that process. Thank you
I am a singer too, but I hear jazz saxophone players do it all the time. However, I switch the patch to choir ahs and it still does the same thing.
Thanks for the information. I appreciate the follow-up. Will try those suggestions.
Another problem with lyrics. I am working in aSAB grand staff. I am putting lyrics in the middle of the three staves to save space avoid having words being repeated in every staff. My problem is...
Now I can't get the letters to stay together in a word. The word "nations" , finale is separating the "s" from nations. How do I fix that problem?