Michel Havenith
Finale 26.3 | Win 10
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Found it!
@Haral Schollmeyer - I appreciate your reply but unfortunately I'm not experienced in coding, I wouldn't know what to do with this code.
@Harald Schollmeyer: Thanks for your reply. Would you have a name of a third party software supplier? I use TGTools but this doesn't offer the copying possibilities I'm refering to. Thanks!
J ADRIAN VERKOUTEREN: Thanks for replying!I already assumed that this problem could occur when starting playback partway through a score. However, the same problem arises when starting playback fro...
Thanks, Michel. This did the trick of getting rid of the double barlines in the staves of the other instruments in the score. I then added an extra barline with the expression tool in the one stave...
Thanks again. With (left) I meant the left barline of the bar with the key change. If I select either the proceeding bar or the bar with the key change, the double barlines cannot be changed into a...
Thanks for your reply, Peter. Your suggestion is not quite clear to me. You mention to *add* a false barline. My problem however is that I want to get rid of all the double barlines, except the one...
@Jeffrey Turner: Thanks for your reply. Still seems odd to me that there is no direct, simple way to do this.
Addition to above post: The Rehearsal Marks were first entered as letters and later changed into numbers. I found out that only after deleting all letter-rehearsal marks in the score and entering n...
Thanks for your reply Adrian. I set the playback settings (via 'Playback/Record Options') to 'Chase from first measure', but that doesn't seem to change anything. Also I noticed that playback does ...