Acerylio Rocendron Ace Chen
~~~~~Ace Chen~~~~~ (finale v27.3.0.137, Windows 11)
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I do have a companion question, which I think will be beneficial to myself: Is there anyway I can configure a score to have F#-Major transposition, when the Key signature is G(flat)-Major (Sharp-Fl...
It worked! At least for now. I'll definitely come back, if I come across any bugs or peculiarities. (I do have to admit: learning how to create a non-standard signature was a bit confusing for a mo...
Thank you kindly for the response, Peter Thomsen. Yes, you are correct in the Sul A/D/G Staff is the one producing playback; and Sul C Staff is non-functional and display-only. Your instructions m...
Hey, Peter, Yes, the hidden note is still needed for playback. So, this is the result of the solution which replaces notehead with an invisible space character. (Displaying the c3 bottom pitch is ...
Thank you both. I suppose if the most viable option is a USB portable, I don't mind making little accommodations to include it. (Personally for me, less is always better; so that I can "travel lite...
Yes ^^^^ That is precisely the idea. I'm presuming you're hitting at some pleasantly clever idea yet to be shared? =)
Nevermind inquiry 2. I figured it out myself. Actually, you already indirectly provided another solution: "Use a different time signature for display." For the first measure, I created {3/2}. For ...
Thanks for your elaborate answer for my inquiry 1. (@Peter Thomsen.) I learned actually quite a bit from it. (Compound meters that create a complex denominator was not something that I had learned ...
Hi again, @Peter Thomsen, That is actually one thing that I forgot to mention. I do try to avoid creating customary smart shape lines, on the account that it inappropriately playbacks a pedal reson...
Hello, Peter Thomsen. And, thank you for your welcome. Indeed, I am using Windows Finale; version 27, the most recent release. I'm exporting via File==>Export==>PDF... edit: Huh...funny... So, I ...