Church musician - Windows 10 - Dedicated Finale user since 3.7 - now on v27 - SmartScoreX64
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Scripting line break
Win10 Finale27 Hi! I am going to change the information in the “Copyright” text block field in a number of Finale files. Is there anyone out there who knows how to make Finalescript create a line...
FinaleScript - font attributes
Hi again!Still working on teaching myself FinaleScript. I am able to find TextBlocks in the document, search for a spesific font type and size and replace it with another font of another size.But I...
FinaleScript - Batch prosess
I have been working on a large project the last 2 years. On my way I have made a lot improvements. That means I need to use FinaleScript to update the files,.and I have built my FinaleScripts I nee...
Call Key signature & Time signature dialog box direct
Hi! Is there any way to call/open the Key signature dialog box and the Time signature dialog box by keyboard shortcuts? In order to avoid using the mouse to double click the staff first. Børge
Time signature attributes lost in copy/paste progress
Finale 26/Win 10 Hi! When I copy music form one document to another I have two challenges: 1: When Time signature is hidden (staff attributes dialog box) in source document, I loose that attribute ...
Change copyright info in multiple files
Hi! I have nearly finished a project wich consist of 900 different finale files. I need to change some of the information I accidentally put in the Copyright field. To be exact, I need to remove t...
Score system divider
Hi! I have not understood the Score system divider fully. Lets say I have three systems on a page. I want to place a Score system divider symbol ONLY between system 2 and 3 (not between 1 and 2). ...
Hard hyphen in Lyrics window
Win10/Finale 26 I have made a keboard shortcut for entering hard hyphens. (Shift+Ctrl+hyphen) That works well when typing Lyrics directly into the score, but has no effect in Lyrics window. Why? (M...
Lyrics import/export
Win10/Finale 26 Hi! Anyone out there knowing if it is possible to import/export lyrics between two finale documents? Now I am copying/pasting between Lyrics windows. I am fully aware of that copyin...
Stem lenght - beam behaviour
Hi! First of all - thanks to all of You out there that bother answering all these questions. It is really helpful!! So to my issue for the day: Win10/Finale26 Ex 1 = Before changing stem lenght. Ex...