Harald Schollmeyer
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My Finale gets its instrument ranges from the SQL database Finale\Ressourcen\Finale.instruments which can be edited with e.g. https://sqlitebrowser.org/ . The seventh table is named instrument_rang...
John Martilla: "Why can't Make Music simply allow users to modify my default expressions regardless of whether a template is being used or not? Or has this happened and I just don't see how to do i...
I wrote a JWLua script for changing font sizes. It's here: https://www.finaleforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=14500#p45488
As Finale is primarily focussed on notation and not on sound engeneering, there are only basic functions for playback. For better playback/audio functions, most users run Finale's MIDI output throu...
The standard suggestion for individual graphic placement in score and parts since decades is: create multiple expressions containig the same graphic. Thus, you can control where and how the graphic...
Nicolas: "there's the number, the fingers, a # sign, and two numbers are crossed with a line (to indicate a half hole)." - that's 5 or 6 items, depends whether the line is counted individually or n...
- Community
- Finale - Feature Requests
- Loading Libraries: Option to merge/add to, or overwrite/replace, existing libraries
I strongly support the basic idea. Ideally, Finale needs to have a dialog in which each library could either be loaded or removed from the current document. Such a window would also need to display...
Better use dedicated software for that: https://www.capella-software.com/us/index.cfm/products/tonica-fugata/figured-bass-for-everybody/
@Michel Havenith - of course: tirst thing to think about is how the different filter settings should be triggered - by keystrokes or MIDI messages? If it's keystrokes only, https://www.autohotkey.c...
"If publishers are looking for scores to be made in Finale then why not have templates for Octavos, Hymns and other types of scores that are preset and all anyone has to do is fill in the spots?" F...