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Recent activity by Michele Sharik Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes-
Disappearing stems with Reverse Stem Tool and Cross Staff notes
I am notating a piece of handbell music. Standard notation for handbell music is to put middle C in the bass clef. I have some 8th note chords in Layer 2 of the treble clef that contain middle C, a...
Handbell articulations
I would like the handbell articulations to be available as a library to load at will. I know they're in the Church>Handbell template, & I know they're available via the Wizard under General>Handbel...
Handbell articulations - what library?
I have imported a score from a previous version of Finale. I need to add handbell articulations to it, but they are not in the articulations tool. What library do I need to load to import them into...
MIDI Setup dialog box does not appear
I have recently gotten an M1 MacBook Air with macOS Big Sur 11.6. I am using Finale I have an Xkey 25 keyboard. My Mac's Audio MIDI Setup sees the keyboard and testing it produces the t...
Cannot install v25.1 (Mac)
When I try to install the 25.1 upgrade, the Install button is greyed out in the installer: There is 107G available on my HD, so space is not the issue. I am running OS X El Capitan v 10.11.16.
Utilities / Change / Notehead silently fails
Finale v25 on Mac OS El Capitan (10.11.6) When I select a measure (or less, or more) and go to Utilities / Change / Notehead, then select the type of notehead I want (doesn't matter if it's a state...
Finale v25 silently fails to extract parts
When I try to extract parts from my .musx file, it silently fails. It goes to the dialogue box where I can select which part(s) I want to extract, etc., but when I click OK no parts are extracted.
Finale v25 crashes on print
When I try to print my .musx file, Finale v25 crashes. Here's the error dump: Process: Finale [1050]Path: /Applications/Finale.app/Contents/MacOS/FinaleIdentifier: com.makemusic.FinaleVersion: 25.0...