Jan Angermueller
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There is an easy solution. The problem is the distance after the accidentals.The Finale Maestro default accidentals don't have space to the right, but the Finale Maestro "Figured Bass" SMuFL accide...
Yes, Peter is right. The Hába accidentals have been added to Bravura/SMuFl some time ago: https://w3c.github.io/smufl/latest/tables/other-accidentals-supplement.html They are also included in the S...
Is it possible that someone posts a Finale document where the problem occurs?The Perfect Layout plug-in has a number of fixes for invalid lyrics entries. I could try if this solves the issue.
- Community
- Finale - Feature Requests
- Automatic avoidance of collision between tuplets and chords, tuplets and slurs
You could apply the Perfect Layout plug-in. It removes chord collisions and many other collisions too. https://elbsound.studio/perfect-layout/examples.php
> go through all slots and settings until everything is correct? Yes, add the font to MacSymbolFonts.txt, then change the slots on macOS (so that it also works on macOS). Before you change all slot...
Hi Joao, I have looked at your files and came to this conclusion: 1.) Probably your DSE Music Symbols 1b has an encoding problem which leads to a MAC/PC incompatibility if used incorrectly. There a...
The plug-in Perfect Layout for Finale solves this niente hairpin issue automatically. See this example video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1Rh6UuleXA Or page 34/35 in the "PDF Examples Collec...
The plug-in Perfect Layout for Finale solves this niente hairpin issue automatically. See this example video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1Rh6UuleXA Or page 34/35 in the "PDF Examples Collecti...
You can use the Perfect Layout plug-in. It will solve your example correctly. Here is the result:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sEpgTpdHCY
GtbrgFIN: https://elbsound.studio/music-font-comparison.php?font=GtbrgFIN Leipzig 1803: https://elbsound.studio/music-font-comparison.php?font=Leipzig%201803 Capella 1800: https://elbsound.studio/m...