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Recent activity by Florian Ross Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes-
One bar repeats staff style ABOVE staff
In Jazz it is very common to have Slash-Notation happening and the Chord Changes above the staff. The only way to have a one bar repeat above the staff is to design a "chord" and place it in the mi...
SmartFind and Paint (Finale 26.3.1. Mac, Mojave)
I wish SmartFind and Paint was smarter! 1.) I wish I could also select a whole bar as a source, even if it begins with a rest! 2.) I wish it wasn't so picky about having the EXACT same content as ...
[Feature Request] Keystroke for concert/transposed view
Finale needs a quick keystroke for switching between concert and transposed!
Bring back AU-plugin blacklist
Instead of getting the advice to delete AU plugins from the computer entirely (ones which you might need in your other DAW's), Finale needs the possibility to blacklist/whitelist AU-plugins to prev...
Feature Request - Smart find and paint
Hi! The smart find and paint feature would be sooooo much more useful if - the source are could start with a rest (this would keep me from having to draw exact boxes instead of simply clicking a ba...
Make change instrument "list" editable
PLEASE make the "change instrument" feature editable. If one uses 3rd party libraries it does not work since the sounds of those libraries are not accessible. I guess the technology behind the "ch...
Transposition Staff Styles remain after copy (Doubling Instruments)
As many users (I am sure) I am not using automated instrument changes (doubling instruments), since those are unable to trigger anything but the default libraries that come with Finale... So I am s...
v26 Measure Number Bar Amnesia
After each restart of Finale v26 Mac, the measure number bar re-appears and I have to manually unclick it. Even if saved as "preferences" it reappears next time. This wasn't the case in v25.5 How c...
Feature Request Explode Menu
Even in v26 on Mac (Sierra) this hasn't been implemented, so I'll give it a try again.When using the explode menu (2 on the keypad in selection tool) why not have the menu auto-select the staff tha...
Playback bug Finale v26
Aaaaaaah, I can't believe this. There's still the "enter a number between 0 and 0" bug present in v26. Come on people! I complained since Finale 2011 and it's still happening. Unbelievable.