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I don't know - I've never used that feature and have never missed it.
Is there still no work around? To be honest I haven't been using Finale much lately. I don't have much faith that MM is going to fix this. Seems like they're treading water / trying not to drown.
if you haven't tried already ask in the old forum - many very knowledgeable users are staying there until it's shut downhttp://forum.makemusic.com/default.aspx?c=1
if you haven't tried already ask in the old forum - many very knowledgeable users are staying there until it's shut downhttp://forum.makemusic.com/default.aspx?c=1
still not working
still broken - MM works 9 to 5 then it's mountain bike tyme
still out - way to go MM - too much mountain biking on the weekend?
only used it for an hour or so today but it works and is faster and less buggy (for an hour) than the last version - I held my nose and gave them my money even though they crashed the real support ...
yeah, MM removed the ability to upload files from their community forums (booooo)dropbox? it's free
If you upload the file here we could try it and see if we experience the same problem....