El Capitan.
For many of us, the need to be able to continue work on older files is vital. I found a bug today with a 25.2 file that had originated as 2011. But I found a WORKAROUND, and that is why I am posting.
I tried creating a brand new file and the problem did not crop up, so I know the issue is with the conversion process itself.
In all my converted files, when I have a text block that is measure attached, I cannot work on it while in page view. No handle appears; even trying to activate it through the Selection tool was ineffectual.
The idea of having to adjust measure text blocks in scroll view, and then checking to see the effect in page view, was beyond the pale for me, and nearly caused me to retire 25.2 completely. Then I decided to try the adjustment process of control-clicking a handle and editing frame attributes. Yes, it still let me go back and forth between page and measure attachment.
So the workaround is this for older files: to adjust measure attached text blocks from within page view, first go into scroll view and convert them (temporarily or permanently) into page attached ones.
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