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 I have Finale 2012 and exported a song I've done in an XML file and tried to import it back into Finale and I get an error and no notes or lyrics are imported, only blank bars. I'm just doing this as a test, since I may have to import someone else's XML file soon. I'm surprised Finale can't open it's own XML file. Any suggestions or alternate ways of accomplishing this?


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That makes sense. Glad it worked.


>I have so many things in my default doc that I'm not sure if I want to redo it.<

MM has posted and emailed that old default templates can cause headaches in newer versions of Finale. Taking the time to redo one that is over 30 years old is probably a very good idea. Fonts are not the only things that have changed over the years.


Some of my earliest Finale and Opcode files required Sonata. I forgot that when I opened an old MusicShop file — I still have my floppy from Adobe but no way to install it anymore on the G4 where I keep such ancient history.

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I see, well I'll redo my template then. Should I use Maestro? Can I export the libraries i my template and reimport them?

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If you're going to import .xml files, then use one of the current Finale default fonts. It's easy to change fonts after you've imported a file.

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I opened my custom template and went to Document / set default music font. I changed it from Petrucci to Maestro, regular, size=24 and I saved it and that still didn't solve the problem. I suppose I'm going to need to redo my template. My custom template has a pretty detailed chord library, I hope I don’t have to redo it also



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Have you considered exporting your custom libraries before trashing the INI or your customized default file?



Not sure how many aspects of this are available in Finale 2012, but you could always try opening your default document for a file that works and then exporting your libraries as custom libraries. (I usually start the library names with initials, like javChords.lib so I know they are customized and so I can find them in the file structure if I need to.)


Then, if you have to trash your default file, you can rebuild it by reloading one custom library at a time. If any cause an error, you'll know which is corrupted.


Keep an eye on the default fonts library though. Might want to use a Finale library for that one.

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Gerry, have you tried setting your Finale v25 default file to your old template, and then importing a MusicXML file? Does that still cause a problem?


If it does, could you please open a support case for Finale v25 so we have a chance to fix that? Redoing the template is a good idea, but you shouldn't be forced to do that by a problem in our MusicXML import. We will need to see your template file in order to fix this.


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