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el Capitan Macbook Pro 2015  Finale 25


I lived with 2011 for many years, so this might not be a 25 issue.  But with a new score I had a text block I wanted to copy.  It was independent; assigned just to its own page.  But the text was permanently highlighted (something I had never seen), and if I copy and paste it, the two copies of it are dynamically linked.  (To change one is to change the other, even though the text blocks are assigned to single pages.)  How do I break up the connection?

Many thanks.


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I could be wrong, but I seem to recall that this is an old bug.


Try this:

1) Create a new text block, and enter the same contents as in the previous text block.

2) Delete the previous text block.

3) Position the new text block where the previous text block was positioned.


Has the dynamical linking gone away?

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Yes, this worked.  Thank you.  If there is no real workaround, at least the bug alerts you to itself with the darkening effect I called highlighting.  So, now that I know it subsists, I'll be looking out.  But what a nuisance. 

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