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Is there a way to force Finale to *ignore* Human playback on just one staff?

Here's what I'm doing (trying to do):

For a marching band arrangement, I'm creating individual instrument practice tracks with a click track (using a marching snareline as the click sound).

I solo the instrument in question, plus the click track line.

The click track line follows the general arc of the dynamics for the *whole score*, ignoring the accent and dynamic I assigned to it. As a result, the click track almost disappears in volume at times. Not cool.

There doesn't seem to be an obvious, direct way to tell the snareline staff to ignore Human Playback instructions...I could be missing it, of course.

Thanks for any help you can give!



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Brad, when I do that, I just turn HP off for the whole piece.


On the other hand, I just dealt with a piece that had <HP off> at the beginning of certain staves. He had no idea how he did it; in fact, he didn't know what it meant. Possibly something with staff sets, which he also tried to set up without understanding...

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Thanks, Mike, for the reply.

I'm under a time constraint, so I just exported the midi file and brought it into Logic. More steps, but gets the job done.

Part of the reason for wanting HP on the main voice (flute, clarinet, etc.) is so the student could get a sense for crescendo, decrescendo, etc. It's just so weird how the click track varied so wildly in dynamics...

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