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I use the chord analysis tool to quickly write the chords on a midi file. However I get all of these unneeded suffixes. All of these chords should have been the root only. Is there a feature to remove all suffixes on a staff without clicking individually to manually delete each? Finale V27. Mac OS Ventura.


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In other words, the chord recognition routine did its job too well?


If one wants only the chord name without the bass notes, I expect you would need to make a Feature Request.

Good luck with that.

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Kind of. The issue is this is simple pop and some of the bass notes are just passing and it is unnecessary for the keyboard player to play them like in other more technical genres like Jazz.

I thought I did it last year somehow in a round about way with a few clicks. Maybe someone knows. 

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I understand that what you want  to remove is the alternate basses, not the suffixes (m for instance) as they are needed.

If you want to remove all alternate basses in a region :

• Selection tool. Select the region

• Utilties -> Change -> Chords.

• Uncheck Alternate Bass.


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This is exactly the process that I forgot. Thank you Michel. Now I have it documented here for future if it slips my mind again. It was such a pain editing them individually. 

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