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How can I print individual parts in A5 format?


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What version of Finale are you using ? - perhaps v27?

Windows or Mac ?


I suppose that you need all the parts in A5 format - right?

You are using linked parts (not extracted parts) - right?


You can set the default formatting for new pages / systems in the parts here:

Document menu > Page Format > Parts


If you generate parts (Document menu > Manage Parts…), then the generated parts will have the default formatting.

This step will overwrite already existing parts.


Already existing pages / systems will not be affected if you change the default formatting.

When you have changed the default formatting, to update an already existing part, use the Page Layout Tool (when doing so, you must be viewing the actual part):

Page Layout menu > Redefine Pages > …


To view / edit the linked parts:

Document menu > Edit Part > …

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I have Finale 27. But I didn't extract the parts. Do I have to extract the single parts first and then do what you indicate?

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Windows 10

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… Do I have to extract the single parts first and then do what you indicate? …


Most Finale users do not extract parts at all; using the linked parts instead is so much easier - and less work.


The linked parts are - as the name indicates - linked to the score.

Correct a wrong note in the score - and the note is automatically also corrected in the linked part.

This is possible because the linked parts are stored / saved inside the score document (= you have only one Finale document, containing both the score and the linked parts).


Extracted parts - on the other hand - are not linked to the score.

Each extracted part is a separate Finale document - independent of the score document.

Correct a wrong note in the score - and you must also correct the wrong note in the extracted part.


Occasionally (very seldom) you may need a specific part “fully independent” from the score.

In that case you will extract that part, and edit the extracted part.

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Thank you very much!

Charles - Italy

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I print all my scores in concert size which is 9"x12". I print the parts 8 1/2"x11" and I always use linked parts. In Finale this is easy and straight forward. The problem happens with (1) printer you use and (2) obtaining the A5 paper size. I have a large format  HP Office Jet Pro which absolutely refuses any efforts to print on any odd paper size. I also have a Brother Business Smart large format printer that does it without issue. So select your printer carefully. The second problem at least where I live is obtaining the odd paper size, concert 9"x12" in my case and A5 in yours.  Concert size paper is almost impossible to find.

I would suspect you will need to have a paper trimer if you want to do A5.

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My printer prints in A5 without problems. I get the paper in A5 format by bringing an A4 ream in ripography that I take halfway through.
But does the 9" x 12" concert match the A5 size (Brand Band size)?

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I have never used A5 size so I don't know how the printer handles it. I know my Brother printer does odd sizes better than my HP printer does. 9"x12" is for my scores and is standard concert size for us. However, 9"x12" paper is difficult to find.

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