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This file will not let me make time signature changes for the measure without automatically (unwanted) making other random changes in the score to other measures. For example, finale will simply not let me change a measure to show the 6/4 that is already noted rhythmically as 6/4. For some reason it will not make any time signature changes unless it is one of the right-click default time sigs. It will not allow the 'ctrl-M' function to work in order to edit measures and systems. I am finding that as I'm editing and saving, I am going back to 'fix' things I have fixed earlier, all of it having to do with meter changes in random measures. It is very frustrating to edit this file (a simple brass quintet in standard notation). What can I send you in order to get some feedback on solving this issue. I've been working on this for a few days, and only just realized that I am actually redoing things I 'fixed' much earlier. Truly maddening. Any assistance would seriously be appreciated. 

Frustrated one....Valencio Jackson


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You can't post a Finale file to the Finale website.


You can post it to Dropbox or something similar, and post a link. Or, you can send it to me (my email is encoded in my signature, below) and maybe we can do a Zoom to look it over.


In the meantime, have you tried resetting your preferences?

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If you do as Mike R suggests I am sure one of us can find the cause. However, be advised we are not MM employees, just regular Finale users with years, decades, of experience.

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Thank you Mike R. and Ernest B.. I should have checked back in sooner than today. I would definitely like the help if I can possibly avoid having to effectively rewrite in a new document. Here is the link to the dropbox folder with that file (War is kind - a brass quintet):  

I'm having trouble changing the time signature. If by chance it will let me cut/insert a measure with the correct meter from somewhere else in the piece, I then have to begin a series of cut and paste processes. 

Two good places to start on recreating my problem: page 15. Right at II movement (m.127). Try making that a 6/4 measure, which it should be. Another place is 2 pages later, on p.17. I put a rehearsal marking 'F' at the measure (the beginning of the Dance section). Try making this measure 8/4. 

Any help you can provide would be appreciated. Thank you gents.

-Valencio Jackson


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I worked on Valencio's doc earlier today. Having no success with normal changes, I exported the doc as XML, and imported it back in. After doing this, I found that the problem measures had a different TS checked in the More Options section. Unchecking them did the trick. I don't know why the original did not have that option checked, but wouldn't allow the change. Just one of those things!

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I looked at it this morning. The problem is in measure 127. Measure 1 through 126 are OK. I broke it into section A which has 1 to 126 and section B which has the rest. Still no joy. Measure 127 which is now measure 1 can be corrected but it screws up the rest of the file. I also then exported my section B to XML and imported back and all is well. Your Dropbox wouldn't allow me to u/l it back to you.

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Oh, BW, this is not a bug but a corrupted file somehow. You have a lot of measures that have a whole rest in them that also have a compound time sig. Perhaps that has something to do with it. I really don't know but exporting XML fixes it.

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