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I'm guessing this has to do with authorization, but is there any way to tweak settings so that Finale ( doesn't crash any time my internet dips out?  LA during the summer months means a lot of hot windy weather, and occasionally spotty signal.  It's really frustrating to be on a roll, and lose internet for 3 seconds, causing the program to crash.

Also, when I travel abroad for work, I often use a VPN, and automatic server switching does it too.

This may be one of those unavoidable modern "everything has to be connected" issues, but figured I'd try to troubleshoot either way!


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Finale verifies the license on startup. Once up, that should be it till the next time. Turn off Check for Updates automatically in Preferences.


Other than that, what aren't you telling us? Has Dropbox, iCloud, Google or another app moved all your work files to the Cloud? All three try to do this on installation till you tell the apps to stop. If so, there's your problem. Storing work files anywhere but the default System drive works only if your connection is bulletproof.


Knowing your system, OS, cloud apps and the amount of free space on your System drive will help. 

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Finale verifies the license on startup. Once up, that should be it till the next time. Turn off Check for Updates automatically in Preferences.
Don't know about Mac, but in Windows Finale does not verify any license using the internet. Finale opens and works just fine wthout any internet connection.
By the way, Check for Updates automatically is under the Help menu, not in Preferences (in Windows)

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Interesting!  It must be something about the "Check for Updates Automatically" feature, as I keep all of my files on my internal HD, and would have no need for Finale to go looking for anything online otherwise.

I'll uncheck that feature and see if I run into any problems from here on out.

Thanks, everyone!

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Windows or Mac?

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May I ask what the error message is, when this happens?  

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