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Hello everyone,

Whenever I'm using a SMuFL font different to Finale Maestro (Bravura, Sebastian, etc), the whole note rests are misplaced, appearing a line lower:

I am able to solve this using Score manager --> Staff --> Other --> and changing "Whole rests" to -2, instead of -4. But when this character appears in a multimeasure rest, it is again on the wrong line:

For this my previous solution doesn't work, and I don't find a new one. I didn't find an answer using Font annotation or Document options. Maybe I'm missing an easy solution? Or is it an issue of the font design or the SMuFL programming in Finale? 

Any answer is much appreciated!

Pablo (using Finale 27.4 and macOS 12.7)


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Welcome to the forum!


First, let us check that you have selected the correct font character for the Whole Rest.


Go to

Document menu > Document Options…


In the section Notes & Rests, use the pop up menu Rest Characters, and choose the Whole rest.

Then, click the button {Select…}, to see what glyph is selected as whole rest character.

It should be the glyph U+E4E3.

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Hello Peter, thank you for your answer. The font character is indeed correct. In fact, if a open a default document, and the only thing I do is change the font for rests (in Document Options) to a non-Finale SMuFL font, it jumps to the lower line.

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And your Default Document is the Finale Maestro Font Default file - right?


Unfortunately I am unable to reproduce your problem.

As a test I created a new Default Document - from Finale Maestro Font Default.

Then, I changed the font for rests to Bravura - and the Whole Rest stayed in the correct vertical position.


Next, I tried the same test again, but changed the {rests font} to November2.

Still no banana - the Whole Rest stayed in the correct vertical position.

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Hello again Peter.

Your comment about Default Music Font helped: I went to change the default font and realised they weren't recognized as SMuFL fonts! I didn't install them properly: ! I just copied the .otf files in my fonts folder, and omitted the .json file. Now that I corrected my mistake, it works fine and my original problem is solved.

Thank you for taking your time to answer, sorry to bother for something I did wrong originally.

Have a great day!


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