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The video whose link appears below says, "Click anywhere on the score to end Hyperscribe recording."    This is what I have done for 20 years.  However, in recent months, clicking during a session has been causing the display to turn white, while the metronome continues clicking, and Finale bombs.

My copy of Finale is encountering so many glitches like this that I believe it needs to be reinstalled.   Is there a way to do this without losing my Make Music license?


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Yes. Go to the Finale website, log in, and go to My Software. You will see a button to deauthorize Finale. Do it.

Back on your computer, uninstall Finale. Restart the computer. Go back to the website, download a fresh, clean copy. Install it, and authorize (I think you can do that from the Help menu,)

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Thanks a million, Mike Rosen.   Your instructions worked great.   I did not see a way to authorize the new install, but so far, Finale is behaving in a way that indicates the authorization has taken place.   I was able to generate, edit, print, and save several documents.

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