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When I select print all parts, only the first first part selected is printed. For example, I wanted to print the score and all parts for a string orchestra arrangement. I checked all boxes and only the score printed. I tried again this times selecting all instruments (score was already printed) and only the violin part printed. I did this 4 more times and got each part but the idea that all parts could be printed one after the next based on selecting that as an option was not executed?

Is this operator error or a glitch?


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Official comment


Hey All,


We've discovered that a recent Windows security update causes problems with applications that try to print multiple jobs simultaneously like Finale does. For more information and a possible workaround, please check out this knowledge base article.

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Hi Erik, I was about to report a similiar error. The difference is that no matter how many files I check to be printed only two will be printed. This happened yesterday in 2014.5 and with the same file in my newly dowloaded Finale 25. I just tried another older file: same problem. This is the first time I've tried printing linked parts using Windows 10 so I downloaded the newest driver for my Samsung ML2955DW printer. Still the same problem. Just tried exporting the file to Finale 2012. Still the same problem. Each time just two parts will be printed.


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Thanks for chiming in! I was only ever able to get one part printed and I am also on 10. I guess I should submit a ticket then?

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For years all my problems with Finale were solved by fellow-members of the forum. In the forum you could see which version of Finale  each user was using and in which operating system. It was possible to see if it was a general problem or a Windows or Mac specific problem. So one could decide if one could possibly help or not. Now I'm glad to know that you are also using Windows 10. I realised however, that after 12 years of using Finale this is the first time I've tried printing directly from linked parts. I'd always first extracted the parts before printing them. Have you tried printing linked parts before? On the other hand Windows 10 has been around now for some time and nobody else seems to be complaining - although there was a major update recently. It is still possible to access the old forum which was a fantastic source of wisdom: it's concealed in the Learning Centre link. Just click on Learning Center then Finale Forum and you are back in a pre ZenText world!! By all means submit a ticket though!

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Just noticed I used the past tense referring to the forum. But it is still there and I seriously hope MakeMusic does not close it down as they have said they intend to do in the not-too-distant future. But they have made it harder to find by changing the link. So they can then say, well, noone was using it anymore....NOT HAPPY!!!!!

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Same problem here. My Finale prints two parts and then leaves the rest unprinted. As far as I can see it is the same problem no matter what printer driver I use, so everything points to Finale's communication with Win10.

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I was able to print linked parts with 2014 and OS7. Your comments are helpful - thanks everyone!

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Is anybody else still having this issue? I'm still unable to print parts in Windows 10 even after the anniversary update. Rolling back to 7 is not an option either.. 

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