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in 6/8 time, how would you create a 4 over 3 polyrhythm ?

see attached what i'm trying to achieved.


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You are using Finale v27 in Mac OS Sonoma 14.5 - right?


1) Use layers.

Enter the upstem notes (= the quadruplets) i Layer 1.

Enter the downstem notes (= the eighths) in Layer 2.


2) The quadruplets:

There are many ways to enter a tuplet:


a) In the Speedy Entry Tool there is a Tuplet (sub-)Tool. Before entering the first tuplet note, hit Alt-1 to open the Tuplet Definition.


b) In the Simple Entry Tool there is a Tuplet (sub-)Tool. Enter the first eighth, then hit Alt-9 to get to the Simple Entry Tuplet Definition. Depending on the way you enter tuplets in Simple Entry, you may experience that you can not end a measure with a tuplet. Just go to Simple menu > Simple Entry Options, and de-select Check for Extra Notes.


c) On the Main Tool Palette is the Tuplet Tool (which also can be used to edit already existing tuplets). First, enter the notes as normal notes, then switch to the Tuplet Tool, and click on the first note.

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OOPS sorry guest we can't edit comments.

Sonoma 14.5

I had tried using tuplets in 6/8 would  give me 3 beats not 2.    I'll try again using your method


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aaah i think i got it now.  I was getting wrapped around the axle LOL.  

So now, I select 4 over 3. enter the 4's.  Selected layer 2, tuplet definition 4 over 3.  entered the bass drum.  Everything is correct.

thankx for your help Peter !!

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