Will the online user manuals for Finale continue to be accessible even when other support ends in August 2025? If not, will a downloadable manual be made available?
The manual has always been available for offline download. Similar links exist for 25 & 26 and can be found in a Google search.
It is not a searchable pdf — that has not existed since 2014 (grrrrr). In addition, this and the online manual are not kept as up-to-date as the online version that you open up from within the app.
Otherwise, we are a user group, not MakeMusic Support. If an announcement hasn’t been made, we don’t know either. That said, if the license server is going to remain online, it’s reasonable to assume that the documentation will remain available, too.
The Finale 2014 PDF is likely still largely applicable to Finale 27, so if that is still available it wouldn't hurt to download and archive that as well.
I definitely went and grabbed the Offline Manual Archives and Installers, though... on day one.
The pdf files for 2014 and many older versions can be downloaded from this page along with the Holiday Files, some updaters before 2012, most builds of Dolet for Sibelius but only Dolet 7.6 and 8 for Finale.
The 2014 pdf file has some use, I suppose, but one cannot depend on it as a manual since it doesn’t tell how to use an of the features released over the last 10 years.
2014.5 still sits on one of my Macs since it has the Band-In-A-Box plug-in that I used now and then when scoring commercials on a tight deadline.
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