Win 11, Fin 26, JABB3, laptop
From Garritan blog entries "Trumpet Release Effects", and "Using Garritan Keyswitches" (but I doubt the issue is Keyswitches).
How do we program doits, falloffs, etc., in a Big Band chart if we're just using a laptop; not using a DAW?
I must be missing something about entering MIDI info/changes, b/c Finale MIDI Tool menu doesn't seem to have a way to enter a CC15 mod-wheel message for just one or two notes--each time I've put any changes in, it's for the whole measure (an entire measure-block shows up on the MIDI Tool dropdown screen).
First thing I tried was Smart Shape gliss which usually works, but it didn't. The CC15 effect is really weak--it's either there for a fraction of the note (not noticeable in the playdown), or really cheesy and GM-sounding. The effect is technically there, but not as good as the gliss tool usually is for falls.
So, do I have to load a Standard AND Notation trumpet? Can do, but is a lot of work, plus the Notation trumpet doesn't have the power of the Standard.
I tried adding sub-range "notes", but that didn't work. Don't want to have to add an "effect trumpet" channel if I don't have to.
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