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Win11, Fin2012, laptop

Did I hallucinate the muted strings I thought I heard the first time I wrote a chart with Finale in 2012?  It was amazing; angelic.  Now the manuals seem to indicate that it didn't happen?

I don't have GPO, and didn't have it then.  It was just Finale 2012 out of the box.  I was thrilled, realizing that I could now write the fancy "con sord" on my parts, AND IT WOULD SOUND LIKE IT!  But they seem to have disappeared, or may never have been there.



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In the Garritan Instruments for Finale (GIFF) library, Violins 2 KS does have a mute patch; but Violins KS does not. 


(The 2nd violin patch was 'accidentally' transferred from GPO5 without being reduced for the minimal GIFF patches.)


Of course, the mute is generated by EQ modification, rather than by additional samples, so you could add the mutes to the GIFF First Violins by editing the SFZ instrument definition file.

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Couldn't find it.  I'm not using an SFZ file, as far as I know.  Isn't that all the Hauptwerk pipe organs, JABB3 (which I do use, but it's not in the Sound Map Priority in my 2012), and all the GPO stuff?

Vlns 2 KS was just the same, as far as I could tell.  No mutes, but I'll look around a little more.

Older Finale files, however, have populated with a different library... until they suddenly "update" automatically, and the intriguing instruments disappear.

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Either you're using GIFF samples (which use SFZ files), or the SmartMusic SoftSynth. There are no other choices. Nothing has changed. You'll need to look into how you have it configured. 


Without seeing how you have your audio playback set up, it's hard to advise. 

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