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Windows 10

Last version of Finale  (no About Finale in Help Menu?)

I have an orchestral score with a rehearsal piano part. When I try and add a Vocal Score (comprising the vocal part and the rehearsal piano part, if there is more than a single bar rest in the vocal part it inserts a multi-bar rest and I lose the corresponding bars in the piano part. It's fascinating, but useless for purpose. Am I missing something, or do I have to have notes in all the parts all the time for this to work?



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Yes - I have unchecked the Multi-measure rest option in setting up the Vocal Score.  But it doesn't seem to have the desired effect!

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If I understand you correctly, you have created the Vocal Score as a linked part inside the orchestral score document - right?


And you have added {the vocal part} and {the rehearsal piano part} to this linked part (= the Vocal Score) - right?


And you have finished entering music in {the vocal part} and in {the rehearsal piano part} - right?


Try this:

Page View.

Document menu > Edit Part > …

Go to the linked part with the Vocal Score.

Selection Tool.

Select all the measures in the linked part (in the Vocal Score).

Then, go to

Edit menu > Multimeasure Rests > Create

Finale will re-create all multimeasure rests, and break multimeasure rests where the Vocal Score has notes in the rehearsal piano.

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Thanks for your advice, Peter, It Worked!

A little counter-intuitive, but I have the 'fix' for next time. And even after gong back and making wholesale changes to the Piano Rehearsal part, the gaps in the voice part still don't show up as multi-measure rests.


Thanks, again,



PS I've just started another question about playback - specifically for the vocal score!


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