Hi all, I'm working on a transcription involving a composite time signature that's leaving me stumped on how to notate using Finale.
Musical situation/backstory:
Overall time signature/feel is a triplet-based 4/4, but there are a few bars that add an eighth note triplet. My first instinct was to put the whole thing in 12/8, making the extra note easy to accommodate by switching 13/8. My reasoning for not going that route is that later in the transcription there's a bar of 4/4 plus a regular eighth note (duple-based 9/8), which got even more confusing to think about tackling in a compound time signature (12/8+duplet 8th).
Ideal route:
My hope is to notate a composite meter involving note values (ex 4/4 + *Eighth Note Triplet Symbol*). Using EDU's in the composite meter tool, I've been able to get the playback to be correct (4/1024 + 1/341) but this displays as 4/4+1/16 and will not let me insert an eighth note triplet at the end of the measure.
The actual question:
Does anyone know how to display a time signature in Finale as 4/4 + 8th Triplet (or any complex time signature for that matter)?
P.S. For other kindred music geeks, the piece I'm transcribing is Diorite by Fly Trio, beginning at 0:57
Operating System: MacOS Catalina 10.15.7
Software: Finale
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