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Is there a way to assign the one-measure repeat sign as an expression, as opposed to a staff style? I would like to insert the one-bar repeat sign underneath a drum staff, to signify that the top-staff notes should change, but the bottom-staff notes should remain the same as the measure before.

I've seen in some jazz parts where the drums should keep the same feet parts going, but the hand parts should change; for example, playing a hi hat foot on 2 & 4 for 4 bars, but play the toms in bars 1 and 2, but ride cymbal in bars 3 and 4. 

I made an example in paint of what I'm looking for; the 2 repeat signs in the red highlight box are what I'm trying to add in Finale.

Windows, Finale 2012c. Thank you!!



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If you are using the Jazz font, the character is ALT+ 0212. (It’s the same in Broadway Copyist.) You can set it as a text expression, and place it wherever you like. 


Remember that expressions are document specific. If you want it available for future use without recreating it, either add it to your templates, or create a special library.

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Follow MIke's advise to create these as expressions if you like. They have flexibility and can be placed anywhere.


But IMO, your example looks ridiculous with those repeat signs. If you're going to bother putting anything below the staff. then just put the HH in on 2 & 4. In drum parts like this, typically anything played with the feet is down stemmed, anything played with the hands is up stemmed.


If everything in a measure is identical to the next measure, then it's appropriate to put a repeat sign in for the whole measure.

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I was transposing a Trumpet lead sheet from some old music and the part included Cello cues that were impossible to avoid collisions. Mike's solution worked for this but I thought I'd add a few thoughts:

  1. Another way to find the one-bar repeat symbol is using the Windows Character Map utility - just type "character map" in the Windows search bar, select the Maestro or Jazz font, find the one-bar repeat symbol, then Select / Copy to store in memory.
  2. Back in Finale, first create a whole note rest  in your score and hide it (select and press "h") – the one-bar repeat has to attach to something.
  3. To create a new expression, select the expression tool (mf) and select any dynamic mark in the Dynamics category, then click Duplicate / Edit.
  4. In the Edit dialog box, rename the Description field to something meaningful to you, and paste the one-bar repeat symbol into the Text box (Ctrl-v - or use Mike's Ctrl-0212  method).
  5. On the Positioning tab, change the Horizontal Alignment Point to "Center Between Barlines." (This isn't necessary - you can drag the symbol wherever you want it - but there's less fussing with horizontal placement this way.)
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