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This is probably a setting buried deep somewhere and I have simply forgotten it:

I print up a lot of files to PDFs for my piano students, so there is no linked parts involved—ever.  But when I do this, Finale 25 puts - Score appended to the filename, forcing me to have to delete.  A minor PITA but a consistent one.

Is there setting in the prefs that I can turn this 'feature' off?


J D Thomas ThomaStudios

Finale 25; macOS Sierra


Date Votes

Have you tried using the Graphics Tool to export as PDF?


Exporting with the Graphics Tool is actually a little faster than “printing” to PDF.

In this way you will not get “Score” appended to the file name.

If you are using a Brother printer, you will experience that the exported PDF is truly Black-and-White (while “printing” to PDF only gives a grey-scale “color” PDF).

Also, the resulting PDF will be somewhat smaller in file size.

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Interesting solution Peter.  I had NOT thought of that.  I think the last time I exported pages via the Graphics Tools was when Finale still had the .ai Illustrator format option.


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Hey Peter,

I just wanted to chime in again and throw out a big thank-you for the Exporting via Graphics tip.  This has worked out much better than I originally thought.  I am working on examples in Finale for a publisher and the page size and margins are explicit.  Moreover, multi-page example must be submitted as PDFs and only one page each.  So a 12 page file comes out as 12 examples.  And the Export route works much much better since I can create the entire 12 pages to specs and then export them one at a time.  Much easier and faster than what I was doing previously.

Thanks again.

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