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I have Windows 10 now - things have been the same for a while since I changed over to Windows 10.   I have Finale 2011.

But all of a sudden, when I make a new lead sheet, the notes do NOT play as I enter with Speedy Entry.  I've been looking at all tghe 

menu items, but can't find anything that I hit accidentally, or anything to fix the notes not playing as I enter them with Speedy Entry.


Also, on most if not all older charts, if I hit playback, it will play, but the green scrolling line is not there.  
I THINK I've seen an instruction for the scrolling line, but can't find it.  


Appreciate any help or hints.


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Windows 10 is notorious for automatically updating in ways that mess around with programs like Finale.

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Finale 2011 over Win10? Yikes.

Costs just as much to update Finale 2011 to 26 as any other version.

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