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Using Finale Version

Windows 10


I've got stacks of music scores (piano); I need to enter fingering numbers all over the place.

The method I see is to go to Articulations, and singularly select a number, then click on the appropriate notehead and the number gets placed.

But then for the next note, I have to (re)open Articulations, scroll down find the numbers all over again, and do the same.

This is going to be crazily tedious to do for hundreds of numbers I need to place across dozens and dozens of pages.

I've tried to find an "Alt-x" type generic shortcut, but do not see one. Or how to rig a macro to do this.

Someone posted in a recent discussion that Sibelius Software does employ some simplified keystroke shortcut; not sure what that looks like.

Another user described his work-around by using the Lyric tool and simply entering numbers instead, but this approach is convoluted as alignment is screwy.

Thanks greatly for any suggestions.







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1) You can program articulation metatools.

With a metatool you can bypass the Articulation Selection.

In this example let us say that you need to put a staccato dot on all the notes in measure 7.

Hold down the programmed key on the computer keyboard (perhaps the letter S key?), and drag across measure 7.

All the notes in measure 7 get a staccato dot.

To program an articulation metatool:

Articulation Tool.

Hold down Shift, and hit the desired trigger key on the computer keyboard.

Finale displays the Articulation Selection, letting you choose the articulation for the programmed metatool.

From now on, the Articulation Selection will display the metatool trigger key.


2) you can easily change a wrong articulation to an articulation that has a programmed metatool.

Just drag-select the articulation handle, and double-tap the metatool trigger key.


3) For a compound fingering, like e. g. a finger switch


consider creating the articulation as a shape articulation.


4) If you upgrade Finale, you will get the option of {automatic articulation stacking}.

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Thanks greatly for such helpful info; oh I think I'll just go ahead and upgrade if it will streamline this process; I'll check out.



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