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Finale Version
Windows 10

In one of my pieces, I created new articulations and edited several of the existing articulations. I was able to employ the changes in the composition, so that works great. And whenever I return to that library I can freely use any of the newly edited articulations I made.

But then when I opened a new piece, the articulation library was missing all the changes and edits I made. Okay, so I researched this and I see that you have to save your library and then re-open it with any new piece. I followed the instructions and went through “document options” and selected “font” as one of the items that should be updated in the saved articulation library file, but then when I tried to employ the new articulations, they were not there, as in some of the Metatools I created. How do I save an articulation library so it’s readily available that I can summon up into any new composition I’m working on?

Thanks for any help!




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Did you scroll down in the articulations to make sure you were using your custom setups? When you load a library to a piece, it get added below the standards, if I recall correctly.

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So what I do:

1. Composition is open that I edited various articulations and metatool assignments.

2. I go to Documents/Document Options.

3. Select Fonts.

4. Click on Save Library.

5. Select Articulations in the next dialogue box. Click OK, and name the file. 

6. Save my composition.

7. Then proceed to a new composition. 

8. I go to Documents/Document Options.

9. Select Fonts

10. Click on Load Library.

11. Select the one I wish to use.

So then some different Articulation library gets loaded; not the one with the specific edits; additions; etc. that I saved.

Does that breakdown reveal any hints? The instructions I read through explain this procedure. I must be missing some step.  





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Can't help you there; sorry.


Better open a support ticket.

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Okay, thanks Mike.

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I think you have a misunderstanding. You mention selecting "font" before clicking on save/load library. To me it sounds like you are going to the font tab of Document Options and then selecting "save/load library." That's not necessary as the option to save and load libraries is always present in Document Options. Also, you can save/load libraries from the File menu. Another thing is that metatools are document specific, meaning that you can't use the same metatools between documents unless you start with the same template/document style from the setup wizard. I would double check to see if your custom articulations are not at the bottom of the articulation selection window, as Mike Rosen suggested, when you load your library.

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Well, so I thought that was how it is to be accomplished. I had to select Font because the is no selection "Articulations" in Document/Document Options. I article I shared there suggests one can save the set of articulations you edited into a ready-to-use library

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But metatools (or more specifically, metatool assignments) are document specific? Uh-oh ... that's not good, since I have a number of articulations I had to create and set details to (size .. distance from note ... key associated with metatool ...)

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Right. Once you get to the "save library" window, you can choose which items you want to include in the library. It doesn't matter what tab you are viewing in Document Options. I'm not sure if there is way to save metatools themselves as a library item. Perhaps that should be a feature request. Currently, if you want to retain your metatools, it would be best to make a copy of the File you've made your custom articulations in, clear all of the notes and notations entered in the score, and save it as a template or regular Finale file in the Document Styles folder so you can access it from the setup wizard. Copy everything from whatever existing document you want to work on and paste it into a blank document generated from your new blank document style.

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Solved. I hadn't realized that the library can be saved/loaded right from the File Menu. I did that and it works perfectly. So thank you for that important point. I was directed, at first, to go the route I outlined: Documents/Document Options. But your second recommendation about saving a template was where I was heading also, if this didn't work.


Thanks so much. Michael

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