In one of my pieces, I created new articulations and edited several of the existing articulations. I was able to employ the changes in the composition, so that works great. And whenever I return to that library I can freely use any of the newly edited articulations I made.
But then when I opened a new piece, the articulation library was missing all the changes and edits I made. Okay, so I researched this and I see that you have to save your library and then re-open it with any new piece. I followed the instructions and went through “document options” and selected “font” as one of the items that should be updated in the saved articulation library file, but then when I tried to employ the new articulations, they were not there, as in some of the Metatools I created. How do I save an articulation library so it’s readily available that I can summon up into any new composition I’m working on?
Thanks for any help!
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