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After loading Finale v27  with Window's 10 I got  the following message, "Finale's Audio engine failed to load. error code 7 "

I fixed this problem by changing the AsioEnable field from 1 to 0 in the FINMIDI.INI file.


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Thanks for posting that. Error codes 7 and -7 (Mac) are generic OS errors with many possible causes. The more solutions that get logged here, the better for everyone.

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For Windows 10, I have found a solution to the repeated showing of Error 7 Audio engine not loading, also garbled sounding audio.

There is a Mono setting in Windows. I turn it on, then off. This apparently resets whatever the problem is.

Windows Key. Type "mono". Select "Turn mono audio on or off". Click the button. This solves several audio problems for me.

This is found in:

Settings/Ease of Access/Audio/Turn on mono audio

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This can also happen if you have multiple audio devices.  I use a Behringer U-Phoria external audio device.  I was having problems with that error until I disabled my laptops onboard Realtek audio device.

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Yes. I get the error if I try to have Finale open with a browser, Windows media player, VLC, or other audio software open at the same time.
Clicking the Mono button seems to reset something so it all works.

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Some audio devices can claim exclusive control of the computer or external sound card. Check your device drivers (at the system level as well as any program specific configuration panels) to make sure this is not happening.

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I have tried all of these fixes. I can hear the test tone in the Audio Setup popup menu. But when I try to do the playback, it doesn't work at all. The green line moves, but no sound.

Tried updating the audio driver, change from direct to ASIO and back, restarting, nothing seems to work.


Windows 10

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What sound set are you using? MIDI sounds or SmartSynth? Garritan Instruments for Finale (GIfF)? Some other VST?

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I had this problem (error 7) upon FINALE startup after plugging in my Yamaha keyboard and working successfully the night before (might or might not be related). I solved the problem by unplugging my accessory camera/microphone from an adjacent USB port and restarting FINALE.

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