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os Big Sur F26


It's probably been done but I can't find a link or post.  Is it possible to automatically move a stave that's on page 2 into page 1, so the whole piece is on just 1 page? I usually have to go into page layout and manually drag the staves up till the staves on the second page jump to page one.  Just seems a waste of paper to print 2 pages with 1 or 2 staves on it.  I also use forScore and having the charts on 1 page means not having to swipe to get to page 2.



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Is your Finale document a 1-staff document?

I suspect that you, by your word ‘staves’, mean systems.


Obviously it can not be “fully automatically”.

You must do at least one step; Finale can not read your mind.


There are several ways to handle this problem.

The best way may be a combination of solutions.


1) You could scale the layout down by a few per cent. (Resize Tool, icon: %)

The notes will be a little smaller, but no one will notice if the “downscaling” is just a few per cent.

Also, the horizontal spacing will look less “tight”, since the page margins remain the same.


2) You could decrease the Page Margins (which may not be an option if the margins are already at the edge of the printable area).


3) You could squeeze more measures into each system. (Selection Tool)

This will make the horizontal spacing more “tight” - or even ugly.

To get more horizontal space, consider a combination of 1) and 3).

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The fact that you are dragging systems to page one, tells us that there is plenty of room for these systems and no need to use the resize tool to make everything smaller. Here's a screen shot of the default document page layout tool/system margin settings. I use evpu's for measurements, so your settings might look different.



I never drag systems, it's too inaccurate. I always type margin settings in so I can make them exact. In this screen shot you see that there is a setting for distance between systems. If you reduce that number, the systems will become closer together. There is a bottom margin setting, if you make that number smaller then the systems will move closer together, fitting on one page.


There are different settings that you can adjust which will help you make it a one page part.



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Thanks a lot, I don’t like messing around too much with settings but I’ll have a play around see I can make it work for me.


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Playing around/messing around (either on a copy of the file or a short "test" file) is one of the best ways to learn.

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