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How do I get a score to display all instruments on every page? I am revising an orchestral piece I wrote years ago, creating a new score from the second section of the previous piece. I'd like at least the first page to show all the instruments, but I'd prefer all pages of the score to have the full complement of staves/instruments. When I view the score in page view, it only gives me a condensed/minimized score that on a given page (including the first page) only has staves for the instruments with notes in the measures on that page. I have looked through the user guide and cannot find how to make this happen. 



Mac OX 12.1 Monterey



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It figures, but as soon as I posted the above, I found the Hide button in the Global Staff Attributes plug-in. There ought to be something in the user guide that points to that under S for staff or score. 

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It sounds as though you may have a staff style applied to hide empty staves. I  would try to select the staff tool, highlight the staves on page one, and Show Hidden Staves.

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