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Iʻm using FinaleScript to generate new music.  My script will create an arrangement by selecting measures from pre-existing files and copying and pasting them into a new file.  In the new file I want to add a text block to a page that describes an arrangement.  I canʻt figure out how to create a text block nor to locate it using FinaleScript. 


To be more specific, say my algorithm is going to create 12 different arrangements, each arrangement is 10 measures.  My script is already capable of creating the 10 measures, filling them with music via copy and paste, and then laying out 12 pages each having 10 measures.  I want to add a text block to each page that describes the arrangement within that page.  I know what text Iʻd like to put there, I donʻt know how to create a text block.


Maybe if there is a way to know the mouse coordinates of a useful location in my score I could do this:

text tool

assign to page

double click x, y // creating a new block where x,y are some predictable spot on my score

type "useful information" // assuming this will type into a text block


Maybe another approach is to have a template page that has the text block where I want it.  It would be filled with boilerplate text.  Then when I create a new arrangement within the new file, I copy and paste that page from the template into the new file.  Perhaps then I could use the "Text search and replace..." to change the text as desired.  If I will be making a score with 12 pages, each having an arrangement of 10 measures, then at the start of each arrangement I would have copied the template into the score somehow, then I would add the 10 measures.


Please advise if you have any ideas.



Mac OS 12.3.1



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Thanks for the link.  Yes, that the reference I have been using to develop my script.

However, I have been unable to find in that reference or on searches of this forum how to do the things I need.  Do you know how to do these things with FinaleScript:?

* create a new text block at some predictable place on a page

* type text into a text block




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