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HyperScribe made some notes a different color in a 4-staff score. If I delete them and try adding them again using Speedy Entry, the same notes are still a different color (ochre? dull orange?). I looked up the colors and what I see is listed next to "unlinked". It's not a different layer or a different voice, from what I see when I use Speedy Entry. How can I clear whatever status makes them appear in layer 1 with a color other than black? Thanks.


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Just a wild guess:

View menu > Out-of-Range Notes > (what menu item is selected?)

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Thanks. Intermediate was checked. I changed to Off. Notes are all black now. How embarrassing. Still, I haven't used Finale much since it was given those features. Did a lot back in the 90s, left for a long while and came back. I've forgotten more about Finale than I'll ever be able to learn going forward. Thanks again.

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