Attention Mac Users
Apple will release macOS 15 (Sequoia) on Monday, September 16, 2024.
Finale v27 is not compatible with Sequoia and will not be updated.

For more information:
macOS 15 Sequoia and Finale Notation Products
Disabling Automatic macOS Updates

As of Finale v25.4, the full installer now supports a silent or unattended installation. You can use the commands in the instructions below to use either Command Prompt or Terminal to run the unattended installer. Each set of instructions assumes you are working from the user's Downloads folder, so please be sure to update the path in each command if necessary.

Topics discussed in this article


Installing Finale silently through Command Prompt

Windows 8 - 10


On Windows 8 - 10 you can use the steps below to run an unattended installation of Finale. Note: These steps will only work for system administrators as administrative permissions are necessary for these commands to run properly.

  1. Download the latest Finale installer ( from your MakeMusic account.
  2. Press the WINDOWS key to open the Start menu. Search 'cmd'. If you just start typing, Windows will search.
  3. Right-click CMD and choose Run as administrator.
  4. Run the following command to extract the necessary files. This assumes you are working in the user's Downloads folder; you can change the paths if necessary.
PowerShell expand-archive -path %HOMEPATH%\Downloads\ -destinationpath %HOMEPATH%\Downloads\FinaleSetup
    1. Once the extraction is complete, run the following command to run the unattended Finale installer.
%HOMEPATH%\Downloads\FinaleSetup\FinaleSetup.exe /silent

Windows 7


Windows 7 machines may not have PowerShell 5 available by default, this makes for a different set of instructions. If you would like to use the PowerShell process listed above, you will need at least PowerShell 5 provided by Microsoft through this Windows Management Framework. You can then use the steps above.


Note: These steps will only work for system administrators as administrative permissions are necessary for these commands to run properly.


To run the silent installation without PowerShell, use the steps below:

  1. Download the latest full installer of Finale ( from your MakeMusic account.
  2. Right-click the downloaded .zip file and choose Extract All.
  3. Press the WINDOWS key to open the Start menu. Search 'cmd'. If you just start typing, Windows will search.
  4. Right-click CMD and choose Run as administrator.
  5. When the extraction is complete, run the following command to run t`he uanttended Finale installer. The command below assumes you are working in the user's Downloads folder.
%HOMEPATH%\FinaleSetup\FinaleSetup.exe /silent
  1. Press ENTER to run the command.


Installing Finale silently through Terminal

You can use Terminal to run an unattended installation of Finale v25 on macOS 10.10 through 10.12 and Finale v26 on macOS 10.12 through 10.14. Note: These steps will only work for system administrators as administrative permissions are necessary for these commands to run properly.

  1. Download the latest finale full installer from your MakeMusic account
  2. Download the silentInstallerChoices.plist file, move it to your Downloads folder.
  3. Open Terminal and run the following command to open and mount the Finale disk image.

Finale v25


open ~/Downloads/MacDiskInstaller_25.5.0.259.dmg

Finale v26 and v27
open ~/Downloads/FinaleSetup.dmg

  1. Wait for the DMG to mount completely and then run the following command set to install Finale and its peripheral components the Garritan ARIA Player and the Garritan Instruments for Finale.
sudo installer -verbose -pkg /Volumes/Finale/Install\ Finale.pkg -target / -applyChoiceChangesXML ~/Downloads/silentInstallerChoices.plist ; sudo installer -verbose -pkg /Volumes/Finale/External/Garritan_ARIA_Player.pkg -target / ; sudo installer -verbose -pkg /Volumes/Finale/External/Garritan_Instruments_for_Finale.pkg -target /
    1. Note: We recommend using the "-verbose" option for each pkg installation, but if you would prefer you can remove the three "-verbose" options and the command will run fine still.
    2. Unmount the disk image either manually or using the command:
hdiutil detach /Volumes/Finale


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