Please note that response times to support tickets are significantly delayed in light of this announcement. Thank you for your patience.

Attention Finale Users
After 35 years, MakeMusic has announced the sunset of Finale.
Read the letter from our President.
Review Frequently Asked Questions.

There is an incorrect setting in Human Playback Preferences which prevents Jazz KS mutes from working in Finale 2010-2014.5. To correct this, follow these steps:

  1. Open a document that uses the JABB 3 library.
  2. From the MIDI/Audio menu, go to Human Playback, and click Human Playback Preferences.
  3. Expand the Garritan: Jazz, Big Band & Marching Band category under Instrument Techniques and Effects.
  4. Double click the Brass: Cup Mute technique.
  5. Under the Apply Only section, keep the filter as is, but change the text in the text field to "Garritan" (without quotes).
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the remaining two mute techniques.
  7. Click Save and Close.

The mute key switches should now trigger properly.